New Patient Registration

If you wish to register at this surgery, please apply to the reception desk for further information, register online or view our Catchment Area and enter your postcode. This will tell you if you are in the catchment area for Peel Croft.  If you change your name or move house, please remember to advise the receptionist.  Also remember you may need to inform the hospital if you are waiting for a hospital appointment.

Catchment Area

The doctors welcome new patients who live within our practice area.  The practice catchment area (the districts from which our patients are drawn) is given on a map which is available to view from reception and includes Burton town centre.  If you move outside this area, you may be required to register with a new doctor.  The rights and responsibilities of patients are included in our patient charter, which is displayed in the foyer, on this web site or a copy of which may be obtained from the reception desk.  We do not tolerate violence or abuse and any patient using such behaviour will be removed from our list, and if appropriate reported to the authorities. 

As it often takes some time for records to be forwarded from your former practice all newly registered patients will be asked to complete a health questionnaire.

Medical treatment is available 48 hours from the date of registration.  Please contact reception for further information.